Museum of Great Thinkers in Kokand


In 2017, on the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a museum dedicated to the great thinkers of Uzbekistan was established in Kokand. The project for the construction of the museum belongs to the famous Uzbek architect S. Sutyagin.

The museum's exposition consists of 5 sections. The first section is devoted to the science and culture of Central Asia. This section contains information about the outstanding Eastern thinkers Abu Raykhan Beruni, Avicenna, al-Farabi, al-Ferghani, al-Bukhari, Mahmud Kashgari, Ahmad Yassavi, as well as copies of their manuscripts.

The second section of the museum tells about the great personalities of the Temurid era, historical works created in this era. Also in this section you can learn a lot of interesting things from the life of outstanding personalities of the Ferghana Valley of the XVIII-XIX centuries.
Also, the sections of the museum widely cover the movement of the Jadids in Turkestan, the life and activities of its prominent representatives-Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Abdurauf Fitrat, Abdullah Avloni, Ibrohim Davron and Iskhakhan Ibrat. There are also exhibits related to the art of Kokand calligraphy, national crafts, and data on sacred places for pilgrimage. A special place in the museum is occupied by the section dedicated to outstanding scientists and academicians born in the Ferghana Valley– Kori Niyozi, Tesha Zohidov, Rakhima Aminova, Pulat Kayumi, Usta Boki and others.

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